Exhibitor Info
DeWitt Community Showcase
All exhibitors will provide their own display items and backdrops
Electrical will not be provided for this event
Registration for this event is free! Space is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. You are encouraged to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance, naming DeWitt Public Schools as an additional insured, along with your registration form.
No selling is allowed! All marketing will take place within the confines of the area you have reserved. We expect over 2,000 people, so bring your handouts and freebies!
Parking is available on the North and the West side of the DeWitt High School.
Door Prizes:
Door prizes are optional—if you would like to offer door prizes you may do so at your booth. Contacting winners is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor offering the prize and will NOT be announced. There will not be a centralized door prize location for businesses.
One business per booth, please! All exhibits shall be kept neat in appearance and in good taste. The Showcase Committee reserves the right to regulate all exhibits and displays which may be considered objectionable/inconsistent with the goals of this event. Exhibitors are requested to clean their display area when vacating. Vertical displays over 3’ in height may only back your display unless you have prior approval.
Set up:
Set up will begin at 3:00 PM and end by 4:30 PM on the day of the event. Upon arrival, please check in with the Showcase staff near the entrance to the gymnasium. Items brought in must not damage the gym floor.
Calling all Food Establishments!
The DeWitt Community Showcase will offer a Taste of DeWitt again this year. We are seeking DeWitt area restaurants and food establishments that would like to showcase their business by setting up a vendor display and distributing bite-sized samples of their specialties. Our attendees have numbered around 2,000 in the past, so don’t miss this valuable opportunity to feature your restaurant!
For Questions Contact:
Showcase Coordinator Sarah Hingst
P.O. Box 800
DeWitt, MI 48820
Fax: 517-668-3555
Phone number: 517-668-3425